Health and Wellness

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The Gut-Brain Connection: How To Feed Your Brain

If there was ever a call for “digestive health,” this is it!  Yes, it’s true. Your gut is considered your “second brain.” There is no denying it anymore. And because of the new scientific discoveries about the vagus nerve, the enteric nervous system, and the amazing influence your gut microbes can have, it’s no wonder

Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein & Whey)

Dairy Intolerance (Lactose, Casein, and Whey)  Having a food intolerance is not fun. It can cause abdominal pain, discomfort, and nausea. It also causes embarrassing symptoms like flatulence and diarrhea. Other symptoms linked to food intolerances include muscle or joint pain, headaches, exhaustion, and even skin symptoms like rashes and eczema. Dairy is just one

Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter?

Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter? You are positive that you’re not eating more food or “junkier” food but you’re still gaining weight. Is this possible? Yes!  You are NOT crazy! And here’s why. We both know that the whole “calories in, calories out” argument is an overly simplistic view of weight.

How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone (Cortisol)

How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone (Cortisol)   STRESS!!! Its causes are absolutely everywhere. Would you agree? Our natural “fight or flight” stress response can sometimes go a little overboard. It’s supposed to help us escape injury or death in an emergency and then return to normal after we’ve fought or flew. But, that doesn’t

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted Weight loss advice is so common (and contentious) now. There are competing opinions everywhere. I say, forget about “who’s right” and let’s focus on “what’s right.” Because what gets results is what I’m focusing on in this post. I respect you too much to make empty promises and try to

How to Improve Gut Health

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. And we’re not just talking about heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD,

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead You knew there was a bit of an over-emphasis (border-lining obsession) about cholesterol, right? Before we jump into some myths let’s make sure we’re on the same page when it comes to what exactly cholesterol is. Myth #1: “Cholesterol” is cholesterol While cholesterol is an actual molecule

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh You totally want to ditch your scale, don’t you? You may have this weird kind of relationship with your “weight”.  I mean, it doesn’t define you (obviously). What you weigh can matter but only to a certain extent. Let’s look at your waist circumference