My name is Nara, founder of Modified Nutrition Health Coach.
My life’s work is to provide support to busy and overwhelmed individuals that struggle with weight management, mental health, hormonal imbalances, mindset and purpose, unhealthy lifestyle practices and habits, as well as, work/life balance. Working together, we will modify your life and habits with an objective to help you achieve your health, wellness and fitness goals long-term.
Who is Nara?
Let me tell you a little about myself.
I've been a Dietitian/Nutritionist for over a decade, in which my degree in is Science Nutrition and Dietetics. In addition, I'm a passionate Breastfeeding advocate, and completed my health coaching and hormone health certification at Institute of Interpretative Nutrition (IIN) . During my training at IIN, I studied over:
- 100 Dietary theories
- Lifestyle management techniques
- Preventative
- Self-healing practices
Over the years, I have used my wealth of experience to provide women with all the guidance that they need to maintain and sustain healthy lifestyles.
Through my studies at IIN, our mantra is “one man’s food is another man’s poison,” and this principle is what guides our daily practice. We know diet choices that work for one person may not work well for another, hence the need to seek a personalized approach to dieting (What works well for you).
Life/Work Experience
Currently, I reside in Texas with my husband, children, and amazing family. When i began my studies I began studying Family planning and Midwifery with a minor in nutrition. At some point the passion for health, wellness, and fitness grew stronger, as a way to help educate myself on the many trials I was facing myself.
I had a great experience working with Nara for a couple of months. She taught me how to make nutrient dense meals, create a meal plan, organize my personal and business life and encourage me to always make time for myself so I can be a healthier and better me. I love her one on one approach. She truly makes your health journey a personal fit for your lifestyle

Octavia Soljour
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I did it all. I cooked, I cleaned, baked, and did all that was necessary to keep the family going.
So many of us get carried away with the responsibilities of taking care of our kids and spouses, parents, establishing careers and every other thing that holds meaning to us. While in college, I offered spa services and founded a few non-profit organizations as well. In trying to keep up with the responsibilities of building a successful career my relationships suffered tremendously, and so did the general state of my health. Being able to balance school and work life was a big challenge for me. I was an extremely busy, prideful, overwhelmed mom, student, and entrepreneur. As a result, my lack of self/awareness over the years resulted in weight gain, symptoms of depression and anxiety, a fibroid, and nearly losing my life to a Pulmonary Embolism. Going through all of those issues had a significant impact on my life which resulted with me wanting to change. Based on what I learned and changed I wanted for myself, I began routinely exercising, practicing yoga, and meditating. As I began to pivot and shift, it became easier for me to identify and implement the true meaning of self-worth. Once the healing took place, and when I truly realize that I was enough my true self began to manifest.
Living a holistic lifestyle
Knowing deep within you that you are good enough to overcome the challenge in front of you, is a huge first step to reclaiming your happiness and your life in the process.
Holistic Health Program
- Optimize your health
- Eliminate work/life stress
- Keep food cravings in check
- Address your constant lack of energy
- Overcome poor sleeping habits & so much more!
Every human-being is different and has special needs different from everybody else.
At Modified Nutrition Health Coach, LLC, we do not operate a one-cap-fits-all approach to providing our clients with therapeutic care. No, we don’t. What we do instead is to first analyze the current state of your mental and physical health. After gaining a perfect understanding of your current state, we will then customize a individualized program to fit your special needs. Our approach is 100% natural and does not require extreme pills, shakes, or extreme fad dieting. We start with unlearning and relearning nutrition. The goal is to optimize your life and teach you how to live freely by reclaiming what is most important, YOU.
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